Sunday, January 16, 2011

The King's Speech or Rush and Shine

    Since when has Helena Bonham Carter taken a back seat to anything or anyone?  Usually every movie she's in becomes a testament to the multi faceted talents of a one woman show.   The only objects standing in her way would be the pawns called supporting actors.  No no that's mean but c'mon now, Helena letting someone else take the reigns?  Almost as good as watching Colin Firth beautifully stammering around a role enhanced by the genius of his fellow pawns, thank you Helena and most important Geoffrey Rush.  Oh Geoffrey shall I compare thee to a summers day?  With your odd looks and jaunty stride, one might think you to be the awkward uncle or strange 5th grade teacher.  But you're not.  You're a lovely actor blessed with the fluidity of players who seem to breathe the trade through their skin like say Cate Blanchett  (fellow Aussie, what is it about you guys?)  or Michael Caine.   Along with the greats so keen on their craft lies the irrepressible Geoffry Rush who carries the film.  This movie was to me like a little holiday.  Gift wrapped with a pleasant bow.  This is truly an ensemble fit for a marathon, each actor bringing out the best in their fellow cast mates, including Helena who's subtlety allowed for the films all around robustness.  The story was neat and without fancy trim, written by David Seidler with no need for an emotionally manipulative plot or unnecessary violence but who seemed simply interested in the great happenings when two friends come together with a mutual necessity and innate love.  In all honesty, I have seen better this year, and this is only said in reaction to the huge effect this movie seems to be having.   Colin Firth is of course a beautifully manicured actor able to bottle his vulnerability and sell it on screen and who certainly deserves the buzz but if they were my Oscar's, I'd let the speech go to Rush.


  1. You're too right about Helena. Shes a damn boss! Also, where's our alternate title for the movie eh?

    <3 John Duah

  2. This film was so brilliantly acted it left me stuttering.
