Sunday, January 02, 2011

The Social Network or Aaron Sorkin as Truman Capote

    Ever read In Cold Blood?  Then you might understand my comparison.  I remember when I finished In Cold Blood I thought to myself how on earth did Capote know all that?  The conversations, the dialogue, the happenstance, down to every last detail accurately portrayed.  Then I realized oh wait this is fiction.  That is the same effect The Social Network had on me.  When the film ended I was beyond convinced that was the truth.  That was the story.  While it might be dangerous to rewrite history and convince people its true, hot dang it makes for a great movie.  I was now discussing the history of facebook as written by Sorkin and directed by Fincher, and what a thrilling history it was.  I love films that encourage you to research when you get home from the theatre.  There I was that night googling Zuckerberg and Saverin.
    This film is excellent.  Truly my pick for the Oscars coveted Best Picture award.  Eisenberg carries the movie with an unbiased portrayal of "under dog" Mark Zuckerburg.  It was obvious to me that Eisenberg had no preceding judgment of the role or the man for that matter.  He created a performance that was spot on and tender, encased in the body of a hard ass man/boy who some think is heartless.  Armie Hammer had a star turn and what's sure to be career booster playing both Winklewoss twins (pity for the actor Josh Pence credited as Tyler but who's head was removed for Hammers, hey at least he's working, I'd be first in line to play Chloe Sevigny's toe in any role she was given just to have the chance to get around a fecking camera and a script and let's not forget a paycheck).  Andrew Garfield as Severin was smooth and convincing, playing the sometimes and in his case unfortunately idle businessman betrayed by his best friend.  Garfield's performance showed the chops of a real star who's calm demeanor left me completely in understanding of why he would be chosen to take over the role of Peter Parker.
    The one dull spot in the film for me was Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker.  His portrayal was cartoonish and perhaps the directors fault.  This "singer turned actor" seemed out of place, his chops were simply not as tarnished for work alongside the experts he co-starred with.  Roughing up the currents of the zen like flow of Garfield and Eisenberg's performance with his frenetic "I'm so lucky to be here " vibe.  He seemed cast simply for the connection we might make between charismatic Parker and talented and popular Timberlake.  I also thought the lack of female characters was disappointing but hey you can't rewrite history (ha ha get it?).
    All in all the film was everything a movie should be from cover to cover.  Well written, shot, directed, acted and most important, excellently hyped and promoted by a social network we all love to hate.  And hate to love. 


  1. great review although i'd have to disagree with you on the jt part. Just a matter o' opinion but he wuz one of my favorite parts of da movie . N-e WHO. great review:) u gotta way wit words me lady !

  2. great review! i agree with lucy re: the twins (that actor was awesome) , and furious re: justin (i thought he was great). keep em coming!

  3. Great review indeed! I'm thrilled I have a place to read opinions that I actually give a flying F@#$K about. Keep em coming.

  4. I liked it but it could have used more girl on girl action (a la black yawn).
